Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016

Querida familia,

Sorry your let hasn't been feeling well dad, it sounds like you're powering through it like a boss though, way to take the cake in the fit-bit comp! Savy I'm happy you're back with the fam! Now that grandma and grandpa have straightened you out ;), be an amazing example to your friends and stay out of trouble!

Monica wasn't able to make it to church yesterday, so she hasn't been confirmed yet, but next week for sure. I hope things start going well for her. This week her husband softened his heart a little bit and agreed to start taking lessons from us starting tomorrow. Her sister in law is also starting the lessons with the missionaries over in Donna. It's been great to see the impact of her good example and willingness to share the gospel.

Also, something I've been studying is how we should speak. I've been listening and have realized that many times we say things about other people that we probably ought not to say or wouldn't say if they were in the conversation with us.
D&C 40:27 Thou shalt not speak evil of thy neighbor, nor do him any harm.
Literally a commandment of a Lord here that we're given. Speaking evil, even in jesting, of other people breaks down our personal integrity and makes it difficult to trust other people. If we are not speaking positively of other people, how can we expect them to speak positively of us. Jesus shares with us in the parable of the sheep and the goats;
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Even if it seems harmless if we joke around about others behind their backs or speak rudely, we , in essence, are saying it about Christ. They are children of God and Christ experienced everything they have to. We can choose to lighten that burden for our neighbor, or increase the load they bear. In the same action we will be doing it to Christ. So remember always to speak with language that edifies others and builds them. Try your best to see the best in those around you and you'll feel happier.

I love you guys and hope you have an amazing week!
Con amor,
El Elder Jenson

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 7, 2016

Querida Famlia,

I got your birthday package and loved it! Thanks so much, I'll have candy for weeks now. The cadbury eggs really made my day. I'm also really excited to have that music to play for musical numbers and prelude. Please thank sister Honey for me, I don't have her e-mail. Catania Holman also sent me a package, so that was super nice of her. She left a very sweet letter, a bunch of candy and a tie. My companion was jealous because it was his favorite brand and favorite color, but I'm keeping it for myself! I also got very nice letters from Grandma and Grandpa, Savy, the Browns, and the Gonzo family. I've been very chiflado by all the support I'm getting but I'm happy. It really helps me to keep pushing on through the hard times.

Monica Zendejas got baptized this week! We have had a heck of a process with it all but considering everything, the baptism went pretty smoothly. I'm really happy for her and for her family. She is a great mom and has some of the most loving kids of all time. I am going to miss them a lot when I leave this area. I have absolutely loved it here. I haven't written much specifically about this area, but so far it has been my favorite of the mission. This last week especially was really fun. We have kind of a crazy housing setup that makes it so we get to go see the other elders in the district practically every day. We have gotten along really well and none of us want to leave. We still haven't gotten our transfer calls, but I hope we all get to stay in our areas. It feels like home working with the guys here. Well, literally just got the news in the middle of emailing, Elder Madsen and I are staying together here! We're going to have a great next transfer, I'm really excited!

Something I've been learning this week is the importance and power of gratitude. I'd noticed that my prayers weren't as sincere as I'd like them to be and I wasn't feeling very happy. I studied about prayer in Preach My Gospel and realized I was overlooking being grateful to my Father in my prayers and throughout the day. I took some time to just think of 30 things I was grateful for and my attitude changed almost immediately. I've been happy and now realize how much the Lord blesses us with. We just tend to forget sometimes. So if you're feeling down or frusturated, just take some time think of 30 or 50 or 100 things you're grateful for. The more time you spend thinking of those things, the happier you'll be. A grateful heart is a happy heart :)

D&C 123:17 Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.

I love you guys and hope you have an amazing week! Don't forget to thank the Lord for what you have and give to others so they can enjoy it too!

Con mucho amor, El Elder Jenson

Feb. 29, 2016

Querida Familia,

Sounds like y'all had a good week, sounds like a fun little fit-bit competition. Keep it up dad, you'll catch Greg soon. I also hope the missionary efforts you're putting in as a stake start to catch fire. Also, good luck having Savanah back in the house, I'm glad she'll be able to be together with you guys for the end of the year.

I got the birthday wish from Cristian! Some awesome sisters in the zone told me that they had a member he was friends with, so that was super cool. Thanks Cristian!

This week I was pretty much a little misionero chiflado . A family of recent converts in our ward set up a little surprise birthday party for me and it was awesome. Hermana Josefina Morales cooked tons of carne and Mexican food and Ruby her daughter made a sweet cake for me. They decked their house with decorations and invited some of their family. Her Cousin Cindy bought me a ton of candy and little gifts which was super nice. They absolutely love the missionaries. I'm super lucky we have awesome members here in Weslaco.

This was a good week for me and Elder Madsen. It feels like we're really becoming good friends. It's fun to work with him, and I think this week we really opened up a lot more to each other. Usually when I get to this point with my companion, I get transferred out, so hopefully I get to stay here for a change! Hopefully we have a good last week of the transfer.

We made a lot of progress with our investigator Monica. She is absolutely amazing. She is pretty much going through Hell right now with her family for trying to learn about and become Mormon. Her family has stopped talking to her and her husband is fighting against her but she still continues with faith. She bore her testimony to us in a lesson the other day, and she is definitely ready to be baptized. She will hopefully be able to be baptized next Sunday. She wasn't able to come to church because of some pretty serious problems that went down in the morning. When we went over to talk with her yesterday afternoon, my heart broke for her as she told us what she is going through. She asked me not to share any details of it, but I will say that she is one of the toughest cookies I know. I hope her and her kids can eventually find peace in living the gospel. If I was in her shoes I would've given up long ago, but she never quits. Her example of faith gives me strength to carry on.

I can see because of her that the Lord is really preparing people to hear the gospel. Elder Madsen and I are not great teachers, our lessons have mostly been crazy with her, but she knows the gospel is true and she acts faithfully upon everything we teach. We are so privileged to watch the Lord do his work. Truly no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. All we've got to do is open our mouths and the Lord, even in our weakness, can make us into great instruments. So don't be afraid to share!

Feb. 22, 2016

Querida familia,

Happy birthday on Wednesday Brandon!! Also Nathan Brown's birthday is on the 28th this Sunday, so if you could wish a Happy Birthday to him for me that'd be great! I will try to send him a letter today, but might not have time with the zone activity.

So great mile-marker in my Spanish this week! Apparently a few nights ago Elder Madsen woke up in the middle of the night to me sleep-talking! And not just any sleep-talking, but Spanish sleep-talking. I don't remember any of it, in fact all the dreams I remembered that night were in English. But t'was pretty funny.

We also had the great opportunity of meeting a Jewish WWll Holocaust survivor a few days ago. Her name was Maria Pascua and she was taken prisoner when she was 7 years old. She watched 300 men get shot all at once and was present the night of a severe bombing in the war. Over 10,00 people died that night and she watched it all. She saw some pretty awful things while she was there, and she still has nightmares from it even today. She has been through a lot in her life and it was super interesting to hear about all the amazing things she's done. It makes me very grateful for my life at 7 years old, in fact my whole life. We are very blessed to live in freedom and relative peace. She wasn't too interested in the church for various reasons, but she said she wanted a Book of Mormon to read and learn more so we left one with her.

We also had the opportunity to hear from a general authority this week! The whole mission got together and he gave us an amazing training. It was Elder Corbridge, the Elder who wrote "the 4th missionary" talk. It was fantastic. He has a knowledge and command over the scriptures that really helps bring the spirit and enlighten the understanding. I realized as a subliminal message from his talk that the quality of our scripture study is more important than the quantity. That's a pretty basic and universal principal. Sometimes I think I have to read a whole bunch of different things and go fast to cram everything into our tight schedule, but really simple and focused studies always seem to be the best. If we treat the scriptures with great value and care while we study then others will be able to see that in us and realize their importance as well.

We had Monica at church this week! We had a few others promise us they'd come even the morning of that didn't show up, so that was a bit upsetting, but we were super happy to see Monica and her kids there. She'll probably be prepared for baptism in the next few weeks here. She's got a few struggles with her family, but her heart is good and she definitely wants the gospel in her life more abundantly.

That's about all for this week, we've met a lot of cool people and have continued on in the work. I love you all so much! Have a great week and save me a piece of banana cake!

Con mucho amor,
El Elder Jenson

Feb. 15, 2016

Querida familia,

Nobody at church this week. Failed gameday, but there's hope for next week!
I have been learning a lot in these past few weeks, but most importantly is that we must always do our best to teach in the way of the Lord. He is so patient in the way he teaches, and sometimes it's hard to be so patient with everyone when you just want them to accept the gospel and be happy right in that moment. People take time to change. Sometimes it's the temptation to try to force them to change for the better, but that disrupts God's plan. We learn little by little, here a little and there a little. Not everything all at once.

I learned that lesson from Elder Madsen this week. As I stood back in a lesson and watched the way he taught patiently, the spirit inspired me to think on the way the Lord teaches me. I took a long time in my life to change and be converted. In fact, I'm still continuing in that process. Not one time has the Lord ever used harsh words or tried to force me to change. He just stands there warmly with arms wide open and reaching, waiting for me to take my shaking, faithful, sometimes fearful steps toward Him. So that's what I'm going to try to do as I teach. Stop being frustrated when the people don't see clearly, and just love them for those courageous steps they are taking at their own pace.

I'm very grateful for prayer as well. I'm starting to learn the difference between prayer and sincere prayer. I say prayers many times a day and have throughout my whole life, but I have not always understood a faithful prayer. I'm still learning how to have real prayers, but I can recount two experiences this week when I got specific counsel and instruction from the Lord that I needed for the work. As I was praying, I followed the counsel of some leaders and paused to give the Lord time to talk to me. When I did, it was silent and still at first, but two thoughts came to my mind.

The first being that in order to serve and love my companion more, I needed to start listening more intently to him when he talks. The second that I wasn't doing well my part in the mission meetings we were having and that I needed to start participating more. I wrote those things down when the came to my mind, and as I have tried to apply them, both have benefited me greatly and I know that they are both specific and personal counsel from the Lord. From this and other experiences, I realize that a prayer of faith usually comes with some instruction and guidance on how to improve. We just have to listen for it. The Lord will never force knowledge on us, but he is always willing to give to the sincere seeker.

I am very grateful to have the Lord as my guide and teacher. Despite all my doubts, fears, worries, and stresses, he is always there smiling and encouraging me to keep walking forward. I love Him and I know He lives. Nothing would work if that fact were not true. Through Him we have life and through Him, everything is possible.

Love you all and hope you have a great week! Thanks for the picture of Hillary Brandon, and great work Cristian! She looks like a keeper to me!

Con mucho amor,
El Elder Jenson

Feb. 15, 2016

Querida familia,

Nobody at church this week. Failed gameday, but there's hope for next week!
I have been learning a lot in these past few weeks, but most importantly is that we must always do our best to teach in the way of the Lord. He is so patient in the way he teaches, and sometimes it's hard to be so patient with everyone when you just want them to accept the gospel and be happy right in that moment. People take time to change. Sometimes it's the temptation to try to force them to change for the better, but that disrupts God's plan. We learn little by little, here a little and there a little. Not everything all at once.

I learned that lesson from Elder Madsen this week. As I stood back in a lesson and watched the way he taught patiently, the spirit inspired me to think on the way the Lord teaches me. I took a long time in my life to change and be converted. In fact, I'm still continuing in that process. Not one time has the Lord ever used harsh words or tried to force me to change. He just stands there warmly with arms wide open and reaching, waiting for me to take my shaking, faithful, sometimes fearful steps toward Him. So that's what I'm going to try to do as I teach. Stop being frustrated when the people don't see clearly, and just love them for those courageous steps they are taking at their own pace.

I'm very grateful for prayer as well. I'm starting to learn the difference between prayer and sincere prayer. I say prayers many times a day and have throughout my whole life, but I have not always understood a faithful prayer. I'm still learning how to have real prayers, but I can recount two experiences this week when I got specific counsel and instruction from the Lord that I needed for the work. As I was praying, I followed the counsel of some leaders and paused to give the Lord time to talk to me. When I did, it was silent and still at first, but two thoughts came to my mind.

The first being that in order to serve and love my companion more, I needed to start listening more intently to him when he talks. The second that I wasn't doing well my part in the mission meetings we were having and that I needed to start participating more. I wrote those things down when the came to my mind, and as I have tried to apply them, both have benefited me greatly and I know that they are both specific and personal counsel from the Lord. From this and other experiences, I realize that a prayer of faith usually comes with some instruction and guidance on how to improve. We just have to listen for it. The Lord will never force knowledge on us, but he is always willing to give to the sincere seeker.

I am very grateful to have the Lord as my guide and teacher. Despite all my doubts, fears, worries, and stresses, he is always there smiling and encouraging me to keep walking forward. I love Him and I know He lives. Nothing would work if that fact were not true. Through Him we have life and through Him, everything is possible.

Love you all and hope you have a great week! Thanks for the picture of Hillary Brandon, and great work Cristian! She looks like a keeper to me!

Con mucho amor,
El Elder Jenson

Feb. 8, 2016

Querida Familia,

Happy Baptism Jordan! I love you buddy and I'm glad it went well! What good news about Cristian too, I hope everything goes well for them! I almost started crying as I read that, it made me very happy. I've prayed for you guys a lot throughout the mission, so I'm super happy to hear how well your all doing.

So I totally met David Archuleta yesterday. He just decided to pop into the English ward for a friends baby blessing so I saw him in the hall, shook his hand, and talked to him for like 30 seconds. I guess I  can never wash that hand again. President Maluenda was also there, so that ward was definitely the place to be!

I have done a lot of learning and a lot of humbling this week. It's funny how easy it is to get prideful. Not necessarily that you think you're better than others, but in comparing yourself to others. I've felt the spirit a lot this week and felt the lack of several times as well. It's been a little bit of a roller-coaster. Elder Madsen and I are doing well. We had a silly fight this week and I got pretty upset with him. I was slow to forgive for a few hours and i realized that that is the quickest way to lose the spirit. He who withholds forgiveness is guilty of the greater sin. I felt super bad then apologized and everything's good now. We are kind of funny ducks. We're not always super loving, but we always forgive each other so that's pretty cool. We're working on some things together and overall it's been pretty fun. He's a very good guy and does a lot of deep thinking.

This week we're organizing a family night for the ward to try to boost the unity and help the members trust us a little more. We have super awesome members here and they've been very willing to jump in and help. Everyone here is very giving and most of them love the missionaries too which is great! We've enjoyed a lot of different types of Mexican food, so needless to say it's been a good week for me! I absolutely love Mexican Food.

Something that a little bird whispered in my ear during sacrament meeting this week was that I need to be more willing to participate in meetings. Sometimes I get shy and nervous to speak up and try new things in front of other people, especially in a new zone, but I've begun to realize how selfish that is. The leaders are doing their very best to help us have animo and success in the work and I imagine it makes it really hard on them when there's not much participation. It will take some humbling, but that's what I'm gonna work on.

I've been reading in the new testament this week in the book of Matthew and Mark and I have to say it's been an amazing experience. I've never really seriously read the bible much before the mission, and I love learning about the Life of Jesus Christ as depicted by the 4 Gospels. It's very poetic to read and I find myself amazed learning of the Character of Christ in how he reacts in many different situations. I am in awe at all the things he went through prior to his Crucifixion. Immediately after taking upon himself all the sins, sorrows, sicknesses, and pains of the entire human race in the garden of Gethsemane, He is betrayed and taken prisoner. Not only that, all of his friends and apostles scatter leaving him utterly alone to face the wrath of mankind. He is prosecuted unjustly and then tortured and killed. All of the while he had the power to release himself from this great bondage. But what did he do? He suffered it all with Godly patience. He voluntarily did that all without complaint or worry for himself because of his supreme love towards us. And what are we? Unworthy creatures even lower than the dust as King Benjamin puts it in the last discourse he gave during his reign. We have done nothing to deserve that love, and Christ never owed us anything. But still he chose the dark path so that we could walk in light. I am so eternally grateful to call myself a disciple of Him and for the opportunity I have to learn to follow Him each new day. What a fantastic plan we're all a part of. I love you guys very much and I'm very grateful to be a part of your family. Have a great week!

Con mucho amor,
El Elder Jenson