Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016

Querida familia,

Sorry your let hasn't been feeling well dad, it sounds like you're powering through it like a boss though, way to take the cake in the fit-bit comp! Savy I'm happy you're back with the fam! Now that grandma and grandpa have straightened you out ;), be an amazing example to your friends and stay out of trouble!

Monica wasn't able to make it to church yesterday, so she hasn't been confirmed yet, but next week for sure. I hope things start going well for her. This week her husband softened his heart a little bit and agreed to start taking lessons from us starting tomorrow. Her sister in law is also starting the lessons with the missionaries over in Donna. It's been great to see the impact of her good example and willingness to share the gospel.

Also, something I've been studying is how we should speak. I've been listening and have realized that many times we say things about other people that we probably ought not to say or wouldn't say if they were in the conversation with us.
D&C 40:27 Thou shalt not speak evil of thy neighbor, nor do him any harm.
Literally a commandment of a Lord here that we're given. Speaking evil, even in jesting, of other people breaks down our personal integrity and makes it difficult to trust other people. If we are not speaking positively of other people, how can we expect them to speak positively of us. Jesus shares with us in the parable of the sheep and the goats;
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Even if it seems harmless if we joke around about others behind their backs or speak rudely, we , in essence, are saying it about Christ. They are children of God and Christ experienced everything they have to. We can choose to lighten that burden for our neighbor, or increase the load they bear. In the same action we will be doing it to Christ. So remember always to speak with language that edifies others and builds them. Try your best to see the best in those around you and you'll feel happier.

I love you guys and hope you have an amazing week!
Con amor,
El Elder Jenson

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